Policy Groups Table

This table lists all the policy group combinations and expected packet flows.

none clear clear-or-private private-or-clear private block

key? no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes
none no c c c c c c c c c,f c,f c,f c,f
yes c c c c c c c,f? c,f? c,f c,f c,f c,f
clear no c c c c c c c c,c(f?) c,f c,f c,f c,f
yes c c c c c c c,f? c,f? c,f c,f c,f c,f
clear-or-private no c c c c c c c,f? c,c(f?) c,f c,f c,f c,f
yes c c c c c c c,f? c,e c,f c,e c,f c,f
private-or-clear no t,c t,f? t,c t,f? t,c t,f? t,f? t,f? t,f t,f t,f t,f
yes t,c t,f? t,c t,f? t,c t,e t,c(f?) t,e t,f t,e t,f t,f
private no t,f t,f t,f t,f t,f t,f t,f t,f t,f t,f t,f t,f
yes t,f t,f t,f t,f t,f t,e t,f t,e t,f t,e t,f t,f
block no f f f f f f f f f f f f
yes f f f f f f f f f f f f

legend packet fate
c clear
f fail
e encrypt
t trap
first packet clear, then fail
first packet clear, then encrypt
trap, then fail
trap, then clear
trap, then encrypt